AvantLink’s Product Link tool gives affiliates an easy way to search for products among their active merchants, compare product details, commission rates, and easily create tracking links for their promotions.
To start, select Ad Tools>Create under the Product Link tool.
Let’s say you are wanting to promote biking shorts. Simply enter the terms “biking shorts” in the search box.
The tool allows you to refine your search and the structure of your tracking link.
Under ‘Search Settings’ you can:
- search by a specific merchant, brand name, or SKU number.
- choose to exclude certain keywords.
- set up results with exact keyword matches.
Under ‘Tracking Link Settings’ you can:
- choose the website you are adding the tracking link to. This option is for affiliates who maintain multiple websites under their affiliate account.
- include an optional Custom Tracking Code of your choice.
- select Shorten URL check box to shorten URL using AvantLink shortening service. Recommended especially for social media posts.
Once you review product details, including brand name, price information and each merchants’ commission rates, choosing the merchant you want to promote is simple.
But first, you may want to preview the product details or view the merchant product page.
Finally, select the Get Link button to create your tracking link.
If you have any questions about how to utilize the Product Link tool or any other affiliate tools, please reach out to support@avantlink.com.