AvantLink's Email Partners tool allows you to effectively communicate with all affiliates or a designated tag group(s) within your program. The following article will review:
- How to create and send an email
- Email content best practices
- How to send an email
- When to send email
How to Create an Email
Navigate to Affiliates > Email Affiliates. Click the "Create" button and a "Create Email" modal will open.
- Choose the Recipients
- By default, "All Affiliates" will be selected.
- To send an email to a specific affiliate clear the All Affiliates chip and search for the desired affiliate account(s). Note: Only affiliate accounts that have opted into receiving emails from merchants will be displayed in the search results.
- To send an email to either specific tag group(s) of affiliates or a classification of affiliates open the "Send to Group of Affiliates" expansion panel.
- Review the Sender Name and Sender Email
- By default, the "Sender Name" and "Sent From Email" will match the user credentials you are logged in as.
- The default settings can be overwritten by entering new information in.
- Enter Subject / Title of the email
- Compose the body of the email
- Add a signature or your merchant name at the bottom of the body
- Schedule the date and time for when the email should be sent
- Submit the email for approval
- Emails are sent to the AvantLink compliance team for review and approval.
- AvantLink approves emails during business hours Monday-Friday between 9:00am to 5:00pm Mountain Time. Consider scheduling emails ahead of time to ensure they are sent at the desired time.
- An email notification is sent when an email is approved or rejected.
- Emails may be canceled if it's status is either "pending approval" or "approved" as long as it is scheduled to go out in the future.
Email Content Best Practices
Create and format a message that will get your partners’ attention. There are a number of great tools to help, including:
- Subject Line: Ensure you include your Brand name and merchant ID.
Personalized Tag: Ensure an affiliate email is automatically personalized with:
- Affiliate First Name
- Affiliate Last Name
- Affiliate Company Name
- Affiliate Default Website URL
AvantLink Header
- Designed to be added to the top of the body of the email
- Displays the AvantLink logo
Insert Ad: Include text and banner ads.
- Always try to include both text and banners (if applicable).
- Include Dynamic Ads that fit into a merchant's Evergreen Ad strategy.
- Insert images, links, media, and emojis
Content Tips:
- The body of your email should be concise and engaging
- Make the email actionable by including text or banner ads
- Include start and end dates for any promotion
Sample Newsletter:
How to Send an Email
You can send a preview of your email to check for any edits needed. Personalized tags will populate with sample data to ensure they are working.
Once you are ready to send, schedule your email to go out immediately or for a later date.
- Emails are sent to the AvantLink compliance team for review and approval.
- AvantLink approves emails during business hours Monday-Friday between 9:00am to 5:00pm Mountain Time. Consider scheduling emails ahead of time to ensure they are sent at the desired time.
- An email notification is sent when an email is approved or rejected.
- Emails may be canceled if it's status is either "pending approval" or "approved" as long as it is scheduled to go out in the future.
When to Send an Email
Communicating with your affiliates on a regular basis - at least once a month - is important. Below are a few ideas to help facilitate communication with your affiliates.
- New promotions. For important sales, send out a pre-emptive message to give affiliates time to prepare
- Updated or date extensions of current ad campaigns
- Program performance. Let your affiliate partners know about top converting products or ad campaigns
- General updates from your company including new initiatives/goals
- New product launches
- Changes to your company’s site
- Changes to your affiliate program strategy
Additional Questions?
AvantLink’s Email Partner tool makes it easy to communicate with your entire affiliate base at once or segment your communication to a select group. Continually communicating with your partners is key to ensuring that your brand is included in their planning schedule. If you have any questions about this article or the tactics discussed, please email am@avantlink.com.