All affiliate tracking links built-in AvantLink use the same primary components.
Affiliate Tracking URL:
Example built with Custom Link Builder tool
- tt= This parameter stands for tool type. See tool-type parameter values below:
- ale – Automatic Link Encoder
- app – Third-Party Application
- cf – Deal Feed
- cl – Custom Link
- cs – Deal Feed Syndication
- df – Datafeed
- el - Easy Link
- dotd – Deal of the Day
- ml – Merchant Link (e.g. Banner/Text Ad Campaigns)
- paw – Product Ad Widget
- pcw – Product Content Widget
- pl - Product Link
- ctc= This is an optional parameter, and stands for custom tracking code – may be populated with any alphanumeric value of 64 characters (plus periods, spaces, hyphens & underscores, or less).
- url= This parameter is the encoded destination URL.
- website_id= This parameter uses an encoded version of the
- merchant_id= This is the merchants assigned UUID.
Once integration is complete, verify tracking is working correctly by using the following checklist:
- Click on a merchant tracking link from AvantLink.
- Once on the merchant website find the “avad=” parameter value from the landing page URL (or from the cookie).
- Paste the “avad=” value into the Tracking ID field. Navigate to menu > Order Inquiries > Tracking Details.
- Verify that everything looks correct from the Tracking ID Details report.
If clicks are recorded correctly then sale/commission tracking is working. Those interested in full transaction/commission verification must place their own order.
IMPORTANT: For standard click and sale transaction reporting it may take up to thirty (30) minutes for the data to show up in our system.
Please email if you have any questions or concerns.